Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment By Schedule Only
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 12:00 AM
Cancellation Policy:
Important: Please read trip cancellation policy listed below before signing up for a trip.
Cancellation policies:
A.If you want to cancel your participation on the trip, as usual, any UNRECOVERABLE expense will be at your charge, plus a $50 club administration fee. The Trip Chair will try to find a replacement for you; but if no replacement is found, you are responsible for ALL unrecoverable costs .
B.In case of a Force Majeure (acts of God , war, government regulation, terrorism, disaster, civil disorder or any other emergency beyond the parties' control), the CSC will make every attempt to reimburse any moneys previously deposited. The CSC will not reimburse nonrecoverable expenses.
C.** Cancellation policy: 24 hours for full cancellation with no penalties. After 24 hours, participants are responsible for full payment of trip, which includes liquidation costs and administration fees.
* * It is highly recommended for you to purchase trip insurance * *
General Cancellation Policy
To cancel from a club trip, the cancellation cost equals the sum of the administration fee ($50), plus the liquidation fee.
Liquidation Fees:
a. The Liquidation Fee includes nonrefundable charges incurred by the Club.
b. Nonrefundable charges include, but are not limited to, the following items: Transportation, accommodations, lift tickets, and any pre-paid activities
c. The Liquidation Fee may vary for each trip and participant.
Waiting List
a. No Waiting List signups will be taken until the trip is full.
b. Persons on the Waiting List will be called in the order they signed up. There will be no skipping of names except that two (but not more than two) persons who have signed up together can elect to be skipped over and wait for two openings to occur at the same time. If skipped over, the spot will then be offered to the next person on the Waiting List.
c. If a person on the Waiting List is placed on the trip, the balance of the trip cost to date must be paid within five days or before trip departure, whichever is sooner, or the person may be removed from the Waiting List.
d. If a person declines an offered position on the trip, the Administrative Fee will be assessed. That person has the option of being removed from the Waiting List or placed at the end of the Waiting List. No administrative fee is charged if they later go on the trip.