Thursdays April 24 - July 24 | $70 | See Activities for more pricing.
CSC Softball is a competitive but friendly co-ed league. This is CSC’s largest activity with over 200 participants. Each team typically consists of 6 men and 6 women players. Some teams also have a Non-Playing Assistant (NPA) who helps keep score and organize cookouts.
ALL SKILL LEVELS are invited to participate. All participants can sign up to be on the same team as one other participant. You can sign up to be on the same team as two other participants only if one of the other participants is a new female player (new to the league), or if you are a coach or sponsor.
Season Dates:
The league plays on Thursday evenings at Busch Sports Park, 4990 Olentangy River Rd, Columbus, OH 43214. Games begin at 6:15 pm and 7:15 pm.
Ratings Clinics for new players TBA. Team Announcements TBA. Thursday "Meet your Team/Preseason Practice" TBA.
Regular season: Thursdays from April 24 through July 24, except no games July 3. Tournament: All day Sat. / Sun. August 9 and 10, 2025 (Save The Dates!)
If you are not a softball player, consider being a non-playing assistant (NPA). NPAs help the coach keep score and monitor the batting order. This is a great way to get involved in this fun, social league.
In order to compile relatively equal teams, all players in the league are skill rated. For those that have not played in the league the past 2 years, you will need to attend a skill ratings clinic. This is not a tryout! It is an easy no-stress evaluation.
The league needs 16 sponsors - one for each team. Sponsorship is $265 and allows you to name your team. Additionally, each team member receives a t-shirt with your company logo on the back. If you are interested in being a team sponsor, please contact Herb Beidel if you have any questions, or just pay to be a sponsor when you sign up. If you are interested in being a coach, please mark that on your signup form.
For further information, contact Herb Beidel @ or 614-619-7808 Join our Facebook page for information and season updates at the Columbus Ski Club Softball Facebook
Softball 2025 Tracks Article
Softball 2025 Application